About Us
We are students. We are alumni. We are fans.
We are CollegiateAF.

From Left to Right: Manges/Cochara Family at ND vs. Michigan Game | Greg, Katie & Wrigley Cochara by The Dome, ND | Steph, Sarah, Katie & Kirsten, Katie's JMU roommates | Greg & Katie by Wilson Hall, JMU)
CollegiateAF was founded with love by college-obsessed married couple Katie and Greg Cochara - a JMU Duke ('11) and Notre Dame Double Domer ('06, '10) respectively - in 2019. Katie Cochara entered the collegiate retail arena in 2014 when she launched the first Officially Licensed University of Notre Dame Wedding Invitation Collection with her wedding-centered subsidiary, Bluebird Paper Company LLC. From there, her passion for high quality collegiate art and fashion flourished.
(Owner and Artist, Katie Cochara in her home office.)
In September 2018 Katie's first retail collegiate collection hit university bookstore shelves with The Officially Licensed University of Notre Dame Art Print & Note Card Collection, which is currently still available for sale at the Hammes Bookstore in Notre Dame, Indiana.
(Hammes Bookstore | Notre Dame, IN)
The second collegiate collection to join the ranks was The Officially Licensed James Madison University Art Print & Note Card Collection (Dec 2018) which features watercolor paintings and hand-drawn sketches of The JMU Duke Dog and Wilson Hall.
(James Madison University Bookstore | Harrisonburg, Virginia)
With the success of Bluebird Paper Co.'s collegiate collections, it was decided that it was time to create an official collegiate offshoot brand that was 100% dedicated to the Katie's unique and beautiful collegiate art and fashion offerings. And so, CollegiateAF was born!
In spring 2019, CollegiateAF will be launching The Official Boston College Note Card Collection which will hit BC Bookstore shelves before commencement weekend. Additionally, the fashion side of our business is beginning to take shape, with exciting new fashion styles becoming available in Fall 2019.
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